Category: Announcements


    Yesterday, prior to Jumuah, there were 59 squares remaining to complete stage 2. By the grace of Allah 26 Squares have either been bought or reserved by brothers and sisters at the masjid in the last 24 hrs, may Allah reward them abundantly. There are now 33 Squares left to complete stage 2 alhamdulillaah. For…


    “Whoever Builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in paradise” [Bukhari and Muslim] Dear Brothers and Sisters All Praise is for Allah alone, the Mighty and Majestic. With the aid and assistance of Allah, it has been 10 years that the masjid has been open and the da’wah and weekly lessons…

  • 🚫LESSON Cancelled

    Assalaamu Alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu Dear Brothers and Sisters, Tonight’s class with our brother Abu Arwa is cancelled due to the weather