Category: Announcements
Mezzanine Project
Dear Brothers & Sisters, We aim to renovate the masjid by adding a Mezzanine floor This will bi’idhnillah: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in paradise” [Bukhari and Muslim] Bank: LloydsAccount Number: 00911018Sort code: 30-91-01 Jazākumullāhu Khairan
This Thurs Dec 15th @18:30 GMT❗️
The Virtue of Seeking Knowledge LIVE Telelink with Shaykh Mustafa Mubram All are welcome! 🏠Address:Alhuda BoltonBella StreetBolton, BL3 4DU 📣 Will be Live streamed
📖Tafseer of Juz ‘Amma Read by Ustadh Abu Muadh Taqweem ⏰Time: 19:30 every Thursday 🏠Address: Alhuda Bolton, Bella st, Bolton, BL3 4DU Brothers, sisters and children all welcome. Live on:
EID Announcement
The new Moon was NOT sighted today (Sat 30th April) Ramadhan will therefore complete 30 Days EID will be Monday 2nd May 2022 insha Allah
The Explanation of Al-Ha’iyah Written by Ibn Abi Dawud A poem about the creed and principles of Islam Read by our brother Abu Muadh Taqween 🗓 Starts today THURS 11 Nov ⏰ 7:30PM (after Isha salaah) 🏡 : Alhuda Bolton, Bella st, BL3 4DU