Category: Afterlife
Tafseer: Al-Qāriah (The Striking Hour)
Alhuda Bolton · Tafseer: Al-Qāriah (The Striking Hour) By Ustadh Abu Muadh Taqweem The great severity of the Day of Judgement What will that environment be like? Judgement and Accountability
Quran: “Fear a day”
“O mankind, fear your Lord and fear a Day when no father will avail his son, nor will a son avail his father at all. Indeed, the promise of Allāh is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allāh by the Deceiver [i.e., Satan].” [Chapter 31: Luqman, verse…
Quran: Whatever you have been given…
“And whatever you have been given is an enjoyment of the life of (this) world and its adornment, and that (Hereafter) which is with Allâh is better and will remain forever. Have you then no sense?” [Chapter 28: Al-Qasas (The Story) verse 60]
Weekly Hadith: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) took me by the shoulder and said…”
In this hadith Our Prophet (ﷺ) reminds us of the reality of this life. This is #40 in Imam Nawawi’s collection of hadith and we covered it in our series. Full Lesson with our brother Abu Arwa Ali: