All Praise is for Allah alone the Mighty and Majestic. With the aid and assistance of Allah, it has been 11 years that the masjid has been open and the da’wah and weekly lessons have been going regularly bi tawfeeqillah.
We are raising funds to buy the building and make renovations to the structure in order increase capacity and improve the facilities. To accomplish this, we intend to insha Allah:
- Buy the building
- Buy the Land if it becomes available bi’idhnillaah
- Add a second floor for sister’s use, expand brother’s prayer area and add more classrooms
- Make mortuary and ghusl facilities for the deceased
May Allah reward all of our brothers and sisters who have helped Alhuda whether by making dua, donating to buy the building or by helping to spread the message of authentic Islam to their friends and Family. For any enquiries feel free to contact us. Jazaakumullaahu Khairan!
Charity Details
Charity Name: Dar Al Hudaa-Al Bukhari Learning Centre
Charity number: 1123694
Bank Transfer
Use Direct bank transfer to help with the Project. This method ensures 100% of your donations are received as there is no fee.
Bank: Lloyds
Account Number: 00911018
Sort code: 30-91-01
IBAN: GB78 LOYD 309101 00911018
You can use Paypal to make donations to help buy the Masjid building.
Note!: There will be a small paypal fee of 1.4% of your donation
Monthly Donations: You can select the box that says “Make this a monthly donation” in order to set up recurring donations.
Contact us
Bella Street
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01204 710088