Alhamdulillaah progress being made on sister’s floor.

Video shows current state as of today (15th Nov). 

What you see is completed first stage of wall around the mezzanine floor. The structure for downstairs sister’s cubicle and brother’s cubicle are both  complete. The wall in front of the brothers’ area has been pushed back and plastered. Any pink that you see is plasterboard and NOT final paint !!

During this work we identified creaking in the sister’s corridor  due to uneven floor boards (old construction). This was corrected with new floor boards and the sound greatly reduced (See picture below).

As we carry out the work there may be more unforeseen repairs  and the project overall may require more time than expected. We will therefore focus on quality and not aim for a set deadline. This will produce the best result by Allah’s will. 

The next part of the project will primarily be the electrical re-wiring insha Allah. 

May Allah reward you all for your Dua and support.