Mezzanine Appeal

Assalaamu alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu 

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As you know, we are carrying out a refurbishment of the masjid in order to add a mezzanine floor for the sisters and expand the brothers’ prayer area. 

Alhamdulillaah the majority of structural work has been completed and we are now in the latter phase of the project. 

We are making this appeal to raise funds to complete what remains (upstairs partitions, electrical wiring, sound system, wudhu facilities, paint/panels and carpet) and aim to finish the project by the end of December bi’idhnillaah. 

How to Donate:

Bank (Lloyds)

Account Number: 00911018

Sort code: 30-91-01

IBAN: GB78 LOYD 309101 00911018

Reference: “Mezzanine”


May Allah reward your current as well as previous dua, donations and support.