Sat 9 Feb 2019
Lesson 44: Supplications when rising up from the rukuu’ (bowing)
- Recap of Lesson 43
- Supplications at the opening of the prayer
- Question: can you use more than one supplication in one prayer
- Supplications in the Rukuu’ (Bowing)
- Supplications in the Sujuud (Prostration)
- We are still in the topic of supplications in the prayer
Supplications when rising up from the rukuu’ (bowing)
- These supplications are generally in the praise and glorification of Allah
- 1. Hadith of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) [Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim]
- When the Imam rises and says “Sami’Allaahu liman Hamidah” (Allah Hears him who praises him) then you say “Allaahumma rabbanaa Lakal-Hamd” (Oh Allah, our Lord, to you belongs all Praise)
- Whoever says this at the same time as when the Angels say this then his prior sins are forgiven
- There are other narrations which mentions different wordings, in total there are four possible wordings:
- Allaahumma rabbanaa Lakal-Hamd (Oh Allah, our Lord, to you belongs all Praise)
- Allaahumma rabbanaa wa lakal-Hamd (Oh Allah, our Lord, and to you belongs all Praise)
- rabbanaa Lakal-Hamd (Our Lord, to you belongs all Praise)
- rabbanaa wa lakal-Hamd (Our Lord, and to you belongs all Praise)
- What did Ibnul Qayyim say about the wordings?
- The significance of saying “rabbanaa ” (Our Lord)
- Everything is in the control of Allah and belongs to him, he is the Self-Sufficient and sustainer of all things
- The significance of the “wa” (and) and how it has great meaning
- 2. Hadith of Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (may Allah be pleased with him) [Sahih Muslim]
- When the Prophet (ﷺ) would rise from the bowing he would say “Allaahumma rabbanaa lakal Hamd, mil’assamaawaati, wa mil’al ardh wa mil’a maa bainahumaa wa mil’a maa shi’ta min shai’in ba’d” (Oh Allah, our Lord, to you belongs all Praise, to the Extent/fill of the heaven and the earth and whatever is in between them and the fill of whatever more that you wish)
- What do we mean by “Al-hamd” (All praise)? Linguistically it means “the praise” but it encompasses all Praise
- 3. Hadith of Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) [Sahih Muslim]
- What was the supplication from this narration?
- The importance of acknowledging we are Allah’s servants
- We are all in need of Allah and in need of his worship, yet Allah is not in need of us or our worship
- Everything is in the control of Allah
- Giving precedence to what pleases Allah over other affairs
- Patience when difficulty arises
- What about adding “wa shukr”? To the supplication from coming up from the bowing
Homework: There are more wordings for the supplication when you rise up from the bowing that we have not covered yet, Find 2 more .