30th June 2018
Summary of last week we looked at some of the form of dhikr: “Subhanallah”
Hadith of Umm Ba’s (may Allah be pleased with them): Regarding the speech which is the best which Allah has chosen for angels and servants
This indicates the great virtue of the above dhikr.
The narration of saying this remembrance 100 times in the morning and the evening: no one will come with a better reward on the day of judgement except one who comes with more.
In another hadith whoever says “subhanallahil Adheem wa bihamdihi” then a tree will planted for him in paradise
Saying “Alhamdulillah”:
First thing to notice is that the quran opens up with this tatement.
There are other parts of the Quran:
- Beginning of suratul An’Am
- Beginning of suratul Kahf
- Beginning of suratul Saba
- Beginning of suratul Fatir
Allah also mentions this praise in relation to the creation
At the end of anything, the last thing mentioned is alhamdulillah
The praise is for Allah from the beginning to the end.
Allah says: “And He is Allah; La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). His is all praise, in the first (i.e. in this world) and in the last (i.e. in the Hereafter). And for Him is the Decision, and to Him shall you (all) be returned.” Suratul Qasas (The Story) verse 70
All this indicating the comprehensive nature of the praise of Allah.
Allah also mentions some of the reason HE is praised.
There are more than 40 times where the praise of ALLAH is mentioned:
– The praise of ALLAH upon the entering into paradise
– The Praise of ALLAH for salvation and safety from the oppressors and evil ones.
Suratil Ghafir Verse 65 – To praise Allah upon the blessing of tawheed and sincerity upon worshipping him alone
Surah Ibrahim V39 – Praise for the granting of children.
Kahf V1 – Praising Allah for guidance
“Al Hamid” is from the names of ALLAH – mentioned in more than 15 places: e.g. Surah Fatir V15.
Evidences from the Sunnah indicating the virtue of praising ALLAH:
The prophet is the foremost in this praise of ALLAH.
So all those who praise ALLAH will come under the banner of praise of the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم).
The first people who will be called to paradise are the people who praise ALLAH – this is a Weak narration
The narration of Ka’b regarding Baitul Hamd for the people who used to praise allah in times of ease and difficulty and they use to be patient upon the decree of ALLAH.
Allah loves the believers who praise HIM.
We are in need of praising ALLAH but HE is not in need of it.
Times a person should praise ALLAH: though good for all times but there are specific times mentioned
– For example in the Khutbah
– When you are starting something or an action
– in the prayer
– After eating drinking and wearing your clothes
– After sneezing
– Praise of ALLAH upon receiving blessings
Advise on the person who prays salatul fajr in Jamah in Ramadan and stops after ramadhan?
Purpose of Ramadan is to gain Taqwah so the purpose who benefitted from Ramadan should carry on and not fall into the traps of shaytan.
Ramadan we do what sis more difficult by praying taraweeh in Jamah and then come back after for Fajr in JAmah. After Ramadan there is no taraweeh in Jamah so it should be easier then to pray Fajr in Jamah.