Sound Creed: Lesson 7

Sat 14 Sep 2019

Lesson 7: Nullifying Tawhîdul-Ulūhiyyah by Committing Shirk

Why should we learn about Shirk?

  • You cannot safeguard yourself from something which you do not know about
  • Statement of Ibnul Qayyim
  • What did Hudhaifah Ibn Al-Yamaan (may Allah be pleased with him) used to ask the Prophet (ﷺ) about?
  • Ibrahim (may peace be upon him) sought Allah’s protection from shirk
  • Importance of understanding and staying away from Shirk

Simple definition of Shirk

  • Shirk is to redirect any act of worship to others besides than Allah
  • Every act of worship should be purely and sincerely for the sake of Allah
  • Examples of Shirk include, but are not limited to:
    • Making Dua (Supplication) to other than Allah
    • Sacrificing to other than Allah
    • Vowing Taking an oath by other than Allah
    • etc
  • How is Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) defined?
  • Tawheed is the default, innate predisposition of mankind

How Shirk first started

  • Between Adam and Nūh (may peace be upon them both) there were ten generations and all of them were upon Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) 
  • The story of the people of Nūh (may peace be upon him) and how they fell into worshipping idols over a period of time
  • How Shaitan (satan) slowly corrupted the people step by step
  • The effect of the idols throughout history
  • The idols from the time of the people of Nūh (may peace be upon him) were destroyed by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

Picture making and Photography

  • The curse of Allah is upon the picture makers
  • Why is making pictures prohibited in Islam?
  • How should one deal with this in our time?


  • Are dolls permissible in Islam for children?
  • Is it allowed to make dua through someone who has passed away (e.g. ask them to take your dua to Allah)?
  • What if you could not make it for a Janazah Prayer, can you go to the grave afterwards and perform it?
  • Is drawing pictures of living beings allowed for children in School?
  • What if you have taken photos of people in the past (e.g. Family photos), do you have to delete them?
  • What about taking photos of people but not including the face?