Category: Uncategorised

  • Khutbah: Seeing Allah in the Afterlife

    Fri 4th Oct 2019 Abu Muadh Taqweem – Seeing Allah is the greatest reward for the inhabitants of Paradise– How have the people of innovation deviated in this regard– The importance of having the correct Aqeedah and sticking to the Qur’an and Sunnah

  • Khutbah: The Key to Salvation

    Friday 13th Sep 2019 BY Abu Muadh Taqweem Importance of understanding the Qur’an Destruction caused by drugs, gangs and other sins Allah says: “The mutual rivalry for piling up of worldly things diverts you, Until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die)” (Surah At-Takaathur verses 1-2) The Questioning in the Grave The importance of…

  • Eid-ul Adha

    📣EID Schedule: Assalamu alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu dear brothers and sisters ❗️Eid will be Sunday 11 Aug in the 3D Centre starting at 6.30 AM insha Allah And today (ie Sat 10 aug) is the blessed Day of Arafah, let us all strive to do good deeds bi’idhnillaah. Please bring prayer mats insha Allah. The 3D…