Guide to the Sound Creed
New course using the book “Guide to the Sound Creed” written by Shaykh Sâlih Al-Fawzân.
The course is delivered by our Ustadh Abu Muādh Taqweem (may Allah reward him).
Excerpt from the Back cover of the book:
“Clarifying the sound Muslim Creed and calling people to believe in it is the most crucial Issue because it is the foundation on which one’s deeds are judged whether denied or accepted.
This book gives clear explanation of the Muslim sound creed as pointed out in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.”
Started 15th June 2019 –> 14th March 2020
Go to Soundcloud to view playlist.
Written Notes:
→ See below for the full course of recordings along with Lesson summary notes.