Bulūghul Marām: Book of Fasting
The Book of Fasting lessons are taken from the chapter in Buluughul Maraam (Attainment of the Objective) written by Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajr Al-Asqalani. It is a book of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) and has well over a thousand ahaadith from Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim and other sound sources split into many sections.
The course is delivered by our Ustadh Abu Muādh Taqweem (may Allah reward him).
At Alhuda we have done the Books of Purification, Prayer and Fasting. Each book has sub sections within it. Below is the Book of Fasting with hadiths on the various aspects of fasting.
Go to Soundcloud to view playlist.
Written Notes:
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