Category: Seeking nearness to Allah
40 Hadith #67 (Part 1): Reliance upon Allah and Taking the Means
With our brother Abu Arwa Ali 📚Summary: Having reliance upon Allah whilst at the same time taking the means towards your goal The Prophet (ﷺ) also told us “Ardently pursue what benefits you and seek Allah’s help” [Sahih Muslim] **Take the means but do not rely upon them**
Remedying the Heavy and Tight Chest: Lesson 3
Sunday 28 Jan Lesson 3: What is Muraaqabah? What things cause a servant to be forsaken by Allah? Brief Recap of lesson 2, what things weaken or strengthen a person’s Tawhid? Recap of why Shaikh Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaami mentions Tawhid alongside Eemaan What is Muraaqabah? It is to worship Allah being conscious of him watching…