Category: Health
Quran: “And do not kill yourselves”
-Prohibition of unlawful money-Encouragement of mutual business-Preserve life and do not commit suicide, Allah has been so merciful to you-Be grateful each day, especially during times of hardship. Positive thoughts guard against depression Verse: “O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly except it be a trade amongst you, by mutual…
Weekly Quran: “…verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest”
“Those who believed (in the Oneness of Allâh – Islâmic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allâh: verily, in the remembrance of Allâh do hearts find rest” [Chapter 13, Surah Ar-Ra’d (The Thunder) verse 28]
Weekly Quran: “and ask Allah of His Bounty”
“And wish not for the things in which Allâh has made some of you to excel others. For men there is reward for what they have earned, (and likewise) for women there is reward for what they have earned, and ask Allâh of His Bounty. Surely, Allāh is Ever All-Knower of everything. 53 [An-Nisā (The…
Quran: A king’s Dua
“So he [Sulaimân (Solomon)] smiled, amused at her speech and said: “My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds that will please You, and admit me by Your Mercy among…
Khutbah: Trust in Allah
Alhuda Bolton · Khutbah Trust In Allah By Abu Muadh Taqweem [First half arabic, then English] Place your trust in Allah Dealing with anxiety about current news re covid/lockdown No harm of benefit except by the decree of Allah Making Dua (supplication)