Category: Abu Arwa Ali
Weekly Hadith: “Inform me about Islam…”
This is just the first part of Hadith #2 in Imam Nawawi’s collection. Our Prophet (ﷺ) informs us what Islam, Iman and Ihsan are. He also speaks about the signs of the day of Judgement. Lesson with Abu Arwa Ali:
Weekly Hadith: “Leave that which makes you doubt…”
This is hadith #11 in Imam Nawawi’s collection and is an encouragement for our children to memorise Hadith as well as a reminder to leave that which you are uncertain about. Lesson with Abu Arwa Ali:
Weekly Hadith: Actions are by their Intentions
This is the first part of Hadith #1 in Imam Nawawi’s collection. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) teaches us the importance of having correct intention when performing actions. Lesson with our brother Abu Arwa:
Khutbah: Sacrifice in Islam
Alhuda Bolton · Khutbah Sacrifice In Islam by Our Brother Abu Muadh Taqweem What does Allah tell us about Sacrifice? Kindness towards the Animal Is it wrong to sacrifice for other than Allah?
Weekly Hadith: “The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) took me by the shoulder and said…”
In this hadith Our Prophet (ﷺ) reminds us of the reality of this life. This is #40 in Imam Nawawi’s collection of hadith and we covered it in our series. Full Lesson with our brother Abu Arwa Ali:
Khutbah: Abu Bakr Our Role model
Alhuda Bolton · Khutbah: Abu Bakr Our Role Model By our brother Abu Arwa Ali The example of the companions The story of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) His courage, knowledge, and soft heart Let us raise our children upon this great example