Category: Shirk (Polytheism)
Khutbah: Seek aid from Allah
Alhuda Bolton · Seek Aid From Allah Asking for help from Allah What about asking others? what does the Qur’an say about that? What about going to the graves of the pious? The Advice of our Prophet (ﷺ) Success in this life and the next
Khutbah: Amulets & Talismans
Alhuda Bolton · Amulets & Talismans By Ustadh Abu Muadh Taqweem What are Amulets & Talismans? Is it correct to wear one or place it on children? How should one seek protection against evil, danger, or disease?
Khutbah: The Oneness of Allah
Alhuda Bolton · The Oneness Of Allah By Ustadh Abu Muadh Taqweem Why is Tawhid important? Allah is alone in his Lordship Worship is only for Allah His unique Names and Attributes
Khutbah: If you ask, then ask of Allah
Alhuda Bolton · If you ask, then ask of Allah By Ustadh Abu Muadh Taqweem Ask Allah only for aid What about asking others? Being content with the Decree of Allah Placing our trust in Allah
Khutbah: Prepare for Tomorrow
Alhuda Bolton · Prepare For Tomorrow By our brother Abu Muadh Taqweem Be mindful of the Hereafter Seeking forgiveness for our sins Raising children upon piety Having a clean heart
Should we celebrate Halloween?
Allah tells us in the Quran:“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion” [Maidah (The Table spread with food) verse 3] To celebrate Halloween is to take part in pagan tradition, and this does not please our Lord