Alhuda Bolton · Tafseer: Surah Al-'Alaq (The Clot) Part 2

With Ustādh Abu Muādh Taqweem

  • “Nay! Verily, man does transgress”
  • Why does Mankind have this nature?
  • The believer is protected from this transgression, how?
  • The story of Abu Jahl and how he tried to stop the Prophet’s (ﷺ) prayer

Written Summary below 👇

Verses 6-7

Nay! Verily, man does transgress (in disbelief and evil deed).   Because he considers himself self-sufficient.”

Chapter 96: Surah Al-‘Alaq (The Clot) verses 6-7
  • 📚 Quran Structure: The word “Kallaa” is often translated as “nay”, however it has many meanings. In this verse, its meaning is “truly” or “Verily”
  • Allah then tells us why man transgresses, i.e. he thinks that he is self sufficient and becomes arrogant. Some examples of situations:
    • When in peace
    • During Good health
    • With plenty to eat and drink
    • Wealth
  • Note: When Allah uses the word “man” here, the meaning is all of Mankind
  • This is from the nature of mankind; when he thinks himself self sufficient he transgresses and rebels against the boundaries of Allah
  • However the believer is excluded from this sort of bad character as he never thinks himself self sufficient from Allah. He knows that if Allah left him for even a moment he would be weak and in need.
  • Believing in the decree of Allah

Verse 8

  Surely, unto your Lord is the return.”

Chapter 96: Surah Al-‘Alaq (The Clot) verses 8
  • This is mentioned after the preceding verses to remind mankind that no matter how much they transgress or elevate themselves, in the end their return is to Allah
  • If we know that the ultimate return is to Allah, then we know that there is no escape from responsibility
  • This verse contains a threat or warning to those who transgress and become arrogant
  • There is also a more general understanding in that everything we do whilst in this world returns back to the laws of Allah (the Shariah) found in the Quran and Sunnah
  • Allah does as he wishes

Verse 9-10

  Have you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) seen him (i.e. Abû Jahl) who prevents,   A slave (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) when he prays?”

Chapter 96: Surah Al-‘Alaq (The Clot) verses 9-10
  • Why does the verse begin with a question?
  • Who prevents, and who is being prevented?
    • This verse is regarding Abu Jahl, one of the Chiefs of pre-Islamic Makkah
    • He was called AbulHakam (the one who judges) by the Makkans, yet the Prophet (ﷺ) named him Abu Jahl (the one in ignorance)
    • One day the Prophet (ﷺ) was praying in front of the Kabbah when some of the Polytheists saw him and complained to Abu Jahl. He swore that if he sees Muhammd (ﷺ) praying there again he would step on his neck and throw dust in his face. He Forbade the Prophet (ﷺ) and his followers from praying there again. The Prophet (ﷺ) ignored him
    • Then one day Abu Jahl saw him praying in front of the Kabbah again. This time he proceeded to carry out his vow. What happened next?
  • This verse rebuke to Abu Jahl for attempting to prevent the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (ﷺ), from praying

Verse 11-12

  Tell me if he (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) is on the guidance (of Allâh),   Or enjoins piety!“

Chapter 96: Surah Al-‘Alaq (The Clot) verses 11-12
  • Quran Structure:
    • Why does Allah say “Tell me”?
    • Some texts explaining this verse mention that the word “or” can be used as “and” in Arabic. However
  • This verse questions the listener regarding the Prophet (ﷺ)

Verse 13-14

  Tell me if he (Abû Jahl) denies (the truth, i.e. this Qur’ân) and turns away? Knows he not that Allâh does see (what he does)?“

Chapter 96: Surah Al-‘Alaq (The Clot) verses 13-14
  • Allah sees everything no matter how minute or concealed it may be
  • He sees that Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) commands goodness
  • And he can see Abu Jahl seeking to prevent him from this
  • He will thus recompense that one to their deeds

Verse 15-19

  Nay! If he (Abû Jahl) ceases not, We will catch him by the forelock –   A lying, sinful forelock!   Then let him call upon his council (of helpers). We will call out the guards of Hell (to deal with him)!   Nay! (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم)! Do not obey him (Abû Jahl). Fall prostrate and draw near to Allâh!“

Chapter 96: Surah Al-‘Alaq (The Clot) verses 15-19
  • The first part is a vow of threat
  • What is the forelock? The hair at the front of the head. In defence to Abu Jahl
  • What is the meaning of the threat? Will Abu Jahl be seized by the forelock in this world or will this happen in the afterlife?
  • The “forelock” was repeated with adjectives (a lying sinful forelock), why? How could a forelock be lying?
  • Allah mentions, “then let him call upon his council”. This is a challenge as can be sen by the use of use of the letter “laam” following the letter “faa”
  • “We will call out the guards of Hell” as a comparison. In other parts of the Quran they are described as particularly powerful and stern Angels.
    • When man beings do not carry out the commands of Allah, then it is either because he is incapable or because they are sinning
    • The Angels however are in complete submission to Allah and do exactly as commanded
  • In the final verse Allah commands the Prophet (ﷺ) not to obey this Abu Jahl who is seeking to prevent him from his prayer but instead to pray as he was commanded by Allah
    • This verse implies that Abu Jahl is of not importance or concern, rather to perform your prayer, and that Allah will deal with Abu Jahl should he move against the Prophet (ﷺ)
    • Note: Allah commands the Prophet (ﷺ) in this verse to “prostate” .
      • This word encompasses the whole prayer (i.e. Do not obey Abu Jahl and instead perform your prayer)
      • The Prostration is the closest a servant gets to his Lord in this world
  • Overall, this is a tremendous chapter
  • Shaykh Uk-Uthaymeen makes dua for the reader at the end.