Shaykh Mustafa Mubram
- What is the value of Knowledge?
- The People of Knowledge are Elevated
- Knowledge, or its absence, affects society Tremendously
- What is required, what is not?
- Meet Allah having set forth seeking Knowledge
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The Shaykh starts by sending his greetings.
The value of Knowledge:
- It is enough of a testament to the value of Knowledge, that the one who lacks it claims it for himself
- There is none but that he would be happy to be attributed to Knowledge
- The ones who truly fear Allah are the Scholars, the highest amongst them being the Prophet’s and Messenger
- What did the Messenger of Allah say regarding this?
One of the greatest virtues of knowledge:
- The people of knowdgde are the moist knowledgeable about Allah, our Lord, with regards to his names, attributes and his actions
- Allah placed the testimony of the people of knowledge alongside his own testimony. This is a tremendous
- Knowledge is the inheritance of the Prophets
The Status of the people of Knowledge:
- Knowledge is from amongst the greatest of the means of person being elevated in this word and in the hereafter
- What does Allah say in the Quran?
- However Knowledge by itself is not sufficient, rather one requires guidance and success from Allah
- Therefore when one seeks Knowledge, he must do so sincerely for the sake of Allah
- What will happen on the Day of Judgment?
Narrations from the Quran:
- The story of Daaluut and the tribes of the Children of Israel (see Surah Baqarah (The Cow) verses 246-248)
- The Tribes of the Children of Israel prioritized wealth when choosing a Leader
- However, Allah ordained that Daaluut, one who had Knowledge and Strength (but no wealth), to be their King
- Knowledge and strength are therefore greater attributes in a Leader than wealth or possessions
Narrations from the Companions:
- The story of Umar (may allah be pleased with him), Nafi’ and Ibn Abza (Related Sahih Muslim)
- Who was Ibn Abza, and what did Umar do?
And from the great virtues of the people of Knowledge:
- Allah Wills good for them
- The Messenger of Allah () said: “Whomsoever Allah wants goodness for, then he gives him detailed Knowledge of the Religion”
- Therefore it is upon the Muslim to seek Knowledge whether this is general or detailed knowledge
- An important point: it is not a requirement that one must travel, author books, or give Khutbahs etc
- It is enough that you meet Allah having set forth seeking Knowledge
- It is not possible to encompass the virtues of Knowledge in one gathering
- However there is an important affair I would like to mention. That Knowledge protects against trials, tribulations and makes the path to Paradise easy for a person
- There is a virtue of Knowledge that has an impact on the wider people. Allah has made the presence of the people of Knowledge as a safeguard from falling into ignorance. At the end of the World, it is mentioned that Knowledge will be removed from earth (the Scholars will die and will not be replaced, until only the ignorant are left).
- Hadith: There are two types of Honor and Nobility; one is of Knowledge and the other Authority, and from these two the Nobility of Knowledge is greater
- The Shaykh Made Dua for everyone who attended, organized and listened online