Category: Authentic Adhkar

  • Authentic Adhkar: Lesson 31

    Sat 10th Nov 2018 Lesson 31: Supplications for the Morning and Evenings The virtue of the early morning and the evening time These two times are mentioned as virtuous times throughout the Qur’an and sunnah Surah Ahzab 41-42 Allah Says: “O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance. And glorify His Praises morning and…

  • Authentic Adhkar: Lesson 30

    Saturday 3rd November 2018 Lesson 30: The importance of regular supplications during the day and night Different supplications a Muslim can make during daily routines: For the morning and evening Before sleep Before and after the prayer Leaving and entering the home For eating and drinking For travelling There is no doubt that being consistent…

  • Authentic Adhkar: Lesson 29

    Sat 27th Oct 2018 Lesson 29: Forgiveness, Repentance and how this is related to Tawheed Recap of previous lesson: The need for Repentance To begin your dua with Repenting from sins Criteria for Repentance (from Imam An-Nawawi): Seeking forgiveness is often mentioned in connection with seeking repentance Qur’an verse: “And (commanding you): “Seek the forgiveness…