Category: Announcements

  • Salaah Combined

    Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu Dear Brothers and Sisters, Maghrib and Isha have been combined at the time of Maghrib today (12/7/18), due to rain 🌧

  • Fundraiser: Last 10 Nights!

    Alhamdulillaah by the grace of Allah stage 2 was finished earlier this blessed month and we have started stage 3. May Allah reward all those who have helped and make dua. Here is a summary of Alhuda over the last 10 years!

  • Fundraiser Update:

    ✅Alhamdulillaah 7 squares reserved today, may Allah reward the brothers and sisters. So far: – Stage 2 Goal Insha Allah: £50,000 – Amount raised so far in Stage 2: £37,188 – Amount remaining: £12,811 Aim: – Complete stage 2 + 3 this Ramadhaan