Revising for Ramadhaan | Lesson 4

Saturday 27 May 2017 – Lesson 4

  • Brief recap of previous Lessons
  • Who are the people who must fast? (see Lesson 1 for more detail)
  • Who is allowed to miss Fasting? (see Lesson 3 for more detail)
  • Traveller Recap
  • The one who has the ability vs the one who does not?
  • Making the choice whether or not to fast as a traveller if one is able
  • When does the traveller have to make up the fast (max one year)
  • What happens if you haven’t made it up even after one year (feed one poor person for every day missed and seek forgiveness)
  • Making up missed fasts first before doing the 6 days of Shawwaal
  • Hadith of Aisha (radiallaahu Anhaa) making up her fasts

  • What happens if a person dies not having made up missed fasts?
    • Difference of opinion about if a person can make up fasts on behalf of a deceased who had days left to be fasted
    • Hadith mentioning the above and the opinion in favour
    • Opinion that it is not permissible to fast on someone else’s behalf
    • Third opinion, that obligatory fasts (e.g. Fasting for Ramadhaan) cannot be fasted on behalf of someone else, but optional fasts (e.g. due to a vow) are allowed
    • Some scholars say fasting on behalf of deceased for an obligatory fast is not permissible but feeding the poor on their behalf is allowed
    • Question from attendees regarding story of one companion
  • When Ramadhaan finishes, are there other opportunity to fast
    • There are 3 main acts of worship during Ramadhaan; Fasting, Quran recitation, and prayer
    • When Ramadhaan finishes, the opportunity to carry out these good acts do not stop
    • g fasting on day of Arafah, day of Ashura, fasting Mondays and Thursdays, full moon days, etc
  • How Imam Al-Bukhari used to recite the Quran during the month of Ramadhaan
  • Making the Taraweeh prayer shorter to make it easier for the people e.g. due to difficulty with timing (very short nights etc)
  • Other types of people who are allowed to miss fasting


Important additional topics:

  • Laylatul-Qadr (night of Power), when in Ramadhaan could it be (e.g. Last 10 nights, odd nights in last 10 etc?
    • What is Laylatul-Qadr ?
  • Itikaaf (staying in the mosque),
    • what does the word mean in Arabic
    • how does one perform it?
    • Doing Itikaaf time intervals (e.g. full days, or for 2 hours only etc)
    • What area is a person confined to during itikaaf?
  • How should the Women do itikaaf?
    • Scholars say there is no evidence for doing itikaaf at home
    • they should do itikaaf at the masjid provided family arrangements, masjid facilities are in place and that it is safe for them
  • Missing fasts due to Pregnancy
  • Q and A:
    • Question about menstruation and fasting

Homework for next week (last lesson insha allah): what are the FIVE Sunnah acts to do on Eid ul-Fitr?