Revising for Ramadhaan | Lesson 2

Saturday 13 May 2017

Summary of Fiqh: Chapter on Fasting

  • When the Fasting day begins
    • The verse “…and Eat and drink until…” [2:187]
    • Ibn Kathir mentioned that originally the time of breaking was from maghrib until Isha, this ayah abrogated that
  • It is Mustahab (liked) to have the Suhur before fajr
    • Hadith of Anas, “Have the Suhur, for indeed there is blessing in the suhur”
    • To have the suhur even if it is a glass of water
    • It is Sunnah to have the suhur late, it is a mistake for the people to stop eating long before fajr
    • What are the benefits of having the suhur?
      • Gives you energy for the day, especially having it late
      • Different from the Jews

  • If a muslim wakes up in the morning before fajr time enters, and they are upon impurity requiring ghusl (bathing), and making ghusl will mean missing the suhur, what does he/she do?
    • The ruling is to have the suhur first
    • This is because suhur must be had before fajr, but this ghusl can be made after fajr without preventing fast
  • When to make intention for fasting
    • Every day before fast starts?
    • At the start of month only?
    • How it should be made (e.g. within one’s mind? Or saying it out loud)
  • It is Sunnah to open your fast (iftaar) as soon as the sun has set and not to delay it
    • Delaying it is incorrect
    • Hadith of Sahl Ibn Sa’d “The people will remain upon goodness as long as they hasten the iftaar”
    • Other hadith to stress this point, that iftaar should not be delayed
  • What should the fast be opened with at iftaar?
    • Moist Dates and water [Hadith of Anas]
    • Not to have a big meal before praying maghrib first
    • Benefits of breaking Fast with dates and water
  • It is Sunnah to invite people for iftaar
    • There is a reward for opening the fast for another person
  • Question: “is it allowed to break your fast with dates and fruits”
  • Question about medications, e.g. Iftaar and having tablets that must be taken on an empty stomach before any food
  • Question about the iftaar in the Masjid Al-Haraam

CHAPTER: What things break your Fast

  • Fasting has certain things which will break it, and every muslim needs to be aware
  • Fasting can be broken by two routes, taking removing something from the body or adding something into it
  • What things break your fast?
    • Intercourse is Prohibited during fasting, and the person must make it up, and will also need to give an expiation (Freeing a slave or to fast two consecutive months or Feeding 60 poor people).
    • Release of Seminal fluid (with desire) breaks your fast. Any day broken needs to be made up for, however no expiation is required. Wet dreams are not considered to break your fast
    • Eating and drinking on Purpose breaks the fast and incurs a sin. The day needs to be made up for. If one forgets however, the fast is still valid and does not need to be made up. If it was due to forgetfulness, then the person MUST stop eating/drinking the moment they remember they are fasting.
    • Water entering through the nose breaks the fast, e.g. when making wudhu. Therefore, when fasting we should NOT gargle or sniff the water too forcefully. However, if it is genuinely unintentional, then it does not break the fast. Questions from attendees regarding the gargling of water, swallowing saliva and using toothpaste/mouthwash.
    • Taking injections that have nutritional value (provides energy) will break the fast
    • Having blood sample taken g. blood sample taken by doctors, breaks your fast. This will fatigue the body and make it harder to fast. However, if the sample is very small volume, then some scholars say it does not break the fast.
  • Q & A:
    • Question from attendees about using asthma inhalers whilst fasting
    • What if someone has a Nosebleed whilst fasting
    • What about pregnancy, is it compulsory to fast?
    • What about breast feeding and fasting?

NEXT WEEK insha Allah: we will continue with the topic of what breaks the fast