New Series! 2nd April 2016| 6 Events from the Seerah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم

This new series of Alhuda Weekly Lessons will begin on 2nd April 2016 insha Allah on the topic of the book “6 Events from the Seerah of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم” written by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Abdulwahaab rahimahullaah and will be read  by Abu Muadh Taqweem. The lessons will cover six key events in the life of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and are an excellent way to gain core knowledge of his biography for both adults and kids. The lessons will be streamed LIVE on every Saturday from approximately 6:30 PM insha Allah.

Seerah Project final 5 Insha Allah